1.    Set-up
1.     The track shall be straight and 90m long between the start and finish lines.
1.     There should be barriers on both sides of the track for its full length.
2.     There should be adequate run-in / run-out space at either end of the track.
2.     The start and finish lines are clearly marked.
1.     There is a strong preference for using electronic timing on this track* and the timing gates will be located here.
3.     The Tabla target faces shall be round and divided into 3 different point zones.
1.     The target face is 60cm diameter, with zones of 15cm and 30cm in diameter.
2.     All targets shall be set so that their centre is 150cm +/- 5cm above the ground.
4.     Target1 is located at 15m from the starting line and facing to to the track edge at starting line. It shall be set back 5m from the edge of the track. Â
5.     Target2 is located at 45m from the starting line and facing to to the track edge at 30m. It shall be set back 5m from the edge of the track.
6.     Target3 is located at 75m from the starting line and facing to to the track edge at 60m. It shall be set back 5m from the edge of the track.
The chief referee shall instruct people on where they may stand, and competitors on where they must wait. *
2.     Procedure
1.     The Side Shot Track event shall consist of six runs.
1.     The archer is allowed 2 test runs in canter before the scored competition runs, shooting is allowed on both runs.
2.     At the referee's discretion warm up runs on the track at walk or trot, with no shooting, may be permitted prior to the test runs to help familiarise horses with the track set up.
2.     All shots MUST be taken at canter or gallop.
1.     The horse should be in canter or gallop between the start and finish line.
2.     If there is a prolonged or tactical break in pace the rider will score 0 for that run; however if the rider immediately corrects a break in pace then the run will be scored as normal.
3.     Riders may start with one arrow nocked, all other arrows should be in quiver.
1.     All quivers should have a historical background at Mamluk or Ottoman period. Â
2.     Riders may retrieve arrows from the quiver, one by one.
4.     Arrows should be shot only between the start line and finish line.The start is considered to be when the front of the horse's chest breaks the beam of the starter timer and, for the purposes of shooting, the finish is when the archer’s body crosses the finish line.
1.     Only one arrow may be loosed at each target.
2.     Any arrow shot outside the track (beyond the start or finish) or when the horse has broken gait (out of canter/gallop) will score 0 points regardless of where it hits.The benefit of the doubt shall be given to the competitor.If the judge is not sure whether the competitor shot early or not then no penalty shall be imposed.
3.     Scoring
1.     Targets score (inner ring outwards): 6, 4, 2, points.
1.     The archer is awarded the target score of all eligible arrows shot.
2.     The par time for the track is 14s.
The track time is measured between when the horse's chest crosses the start line and the finish line. It should be recorded to 0.01s if using an electronic timer, or to 0.1s if using a stopwatch.
3.     A The raw time bonus will be modified with a multipier based on the number of arrows hit and how fast run was:
1.      multiplier of 0.5 if the archer hits with 1 arrow.
2.     multiplier of 1.0 (ie no change) if the archer hits with 2 arrows.
3.     multiplier of 1.5 if the archer hits with 3 or more arrows.
4.     A time penalty of 1.5 point per second (or part thereof) is applied for exceeding the par time.
4.     The target points, time bonus/penalty and multi-hit bonus for each run should be added together for that run’s score.
1.     If the competitor fails to score any hits on the targets, they score 0 for that run, regardless of time taken.
2.     The archer can never receive fewer than 0 points for a run, even if the time penalty is higher than the target points.
3.     The scores of all runs should be added together for a total score.
Summary of the F3 Track
Track length: 90m
Track time limit: 14s
Number of targets: 4
How many runs: 2 warming – 6 official
·      Riders may retrieve arrows from the quiver, one by one.
·      Only one arrow may be loosed at each target.
·      The first arrow shall be nocked.
·      A The raw time bonus will be modified with a multipier based on the number of arrows hit and how fast run was:- multiplier of 0.5 if the archer hits with 1 arrow.- multiplier of 1.0 (ie no change) if the archer hits with 2 arrows.- multiplier of 1.5 if the archer hits with 3 arrows.
A time penalty of 1.5 point per second (or part thereof) is applied for exceeding the par time.
** Designed by Alperen Alkan
Historical background of the Track
** Kavsname, 16th century, anonymous, Istanbul Suleymaniye Library -Husrev pasha collection No.816-2